Jungle Soft Play
We've got you covered with a Jungle Soft Play for the kids to burn off some steam !
If they are getting bored or cranky just head to the Central Atrium for 10 minutes play time - guaranteed to wear them out so you can carry on with what you want to do!
The Soft Play isn't supervised, except by parents/carers so please stay with your children. Plenty of seating to watch them play safely.
We would ask no BIG KIDS please - this area is recommended for age 6 and under.
Please play in socks, no shoes on the equipment, thank you.
If you notice a spillage or something needs attention please speak to a member of our cleaning team or call 01689 832923 to report and request assistance.
Toilets and baby change facilities very close by as well for your comfort and convenience.
The soft play opens at 10am and will be closed at 4pm to allow our cleaning team time to do their stuff ready for tomorrow! It also prevents large children who visit the Centre after school from gaining access and mistreating/vandalising the area - sad but true!
